Phone: (979) 778-7711

Location / Directions

We are located in Bryan, Texas
Please see the map and driving directions below.

Directions from Hearne, TX using US 190/Hwy 21

  1. Head south on Hwy 190/Hwy 6 towards Madisonville/Caldwell, approximately 20 miles.
  2. Exit on US 190 East/Texas Hwy 21 to Madisonville-Caldwell.
  3. Turn left on Hwy 21 and go about .7 miles.
  4. Turn left on Gooseneck Drive, we are located on the right.

Directions from Navasota, TX using Highway 6

  1. Head north on Highway 6 to College Station-Bryan, approximately 27 miles.
  2. Exit on US 190-Texas Hwy 21.
  3. Turn right on Hwy 21.
  4. Go approximately .7 miles and turn left on Gooseneck Drive, we are located on the right.

Directions from Caldwell, TX using Hwy 21

  1. Head east on Hwy 21 for approximately 23.5 miles.
  2. Turn left on Gooseneck Drive, which is just about .7miles from the highway.
  3. We are located on the right.

Directions from Madisonville, TX using Hwy 21

  1. Head west on Texas Highway 21 for approximately 36 miles.
  2. Turn right on Gooseneck Drive, we are located on the right.